Little Cottonwood Water Treatment Plant
The Little Cottonwood Water Treatment Plant (LCWTP) was completed in 1960 and was designed to treat 113 million gallons per day (MGD). The capacity of the plant was increased to 143 MGD in 2007. The improvements to the plant included a new 9 million gallon treated water reservoir, addition of ozone disinfection facilities, construction of a new diversion structure on Little Cottonwood Creek, improved flash mix and flocculation processes, and new raw water grit removal and screen facilities. The plant is positioned in line with the Salt Lake Aqueduct such that raw (untreated) water can enter the plant and finished (treated) water can be transported to terminal reservoir. The plant, located at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon, also treats water from Little Cottonwood Creek and Bell Canyon. The Administration office building and laboratory are also located at the LCWTP.